Indonesian coal miners hailed the government’s decision to impose a moratorium on the issuance of new mining permits, saying the freeze would be needed to give authorities time to settle the growing conflicts resulting from overlapping permits. More...
Krakatau Posco project to start in July
The Jakarta Post
JAKARTA: PT Krakatau Posco, a joint venture between state-owned steel firm PT Krakatau Steel and Korean steel giant Posco, will start construction of a US$6 billion steel plant in Cilegon, Banten, in July. More...
Local govts may be permitted to acquire stake in W. Madura block
The Jakarta Post
State oil and gas firm PT Pertamina, the operator of the West Madura offshore oil and gas block in East Java, will likely allow regional administrations in East Java to take part in the operation of the oil block, the company says. More...
Regulators: Firms manipulated oil prices in 2008
The Associated Press
U.S. commodity regulators are suing three companies and two individuals claiming they manipulated crude oil futures prices on the New York Mercantile Exchange over four months in 2008. More...
Revenues from oil, gas may top $31 billion
The Jakarta Post
Oil and gas regulator BPMigas said Tuesday that revenues from the oil and gas sector might reach US$31.08 billion (Rp 266 trillion), or 17 percent above the target of $26.55 billion set earlier by the government. More...
Pertamina’s Final Price Tag for Cilacap Refinery Blaze Comes In at $30m
Jakarta Globe
State oil and gas company Pertamina suffered total losses of $30 million from a fire that broke out at its refinery in Cilacap, Central Java, a company executive said on Tuesday. More...
Samsung Signs Contract to Build Cepu Oil Facilities
Jakarta Globe
The Indonesian unit of ExxonMobil Corp. has awarded contracts worth more than $780 million to South Korean giant Samsung and its Indonesian partner, Tripatra Engineering, to build facilities at Cepu block, the energy regulator said on Tuesday. More...
Palm Oil Gains as Rain Hurts Planting
Jakarta Globe
Palm oil advanced, following gains in soybeans as planting delays in the US because of rains and floods increased concern that supplies may be reduced. More...
DPR Minta BP Migas Evaluasi Komitmen Kontraktor
Media Indonesia
JAKARTA--MICOM: Anggota Komisi VII DPR Satya W Yudha menegaskan BP Migas sebaiknya mengevaluasi kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) yang komitmennya belum terpenuhi. Selengkapnya...
Gelombang di Perairan Barat Bengkulu Capai Tiga Meter
Media Indonesia
BENGKULU--MICOM: Gelombang laut di Samudra Hindia Barat Bengkulu 12 jam ke depan tingginya diperkirakan antara 1,5 hingga tiga meter, sedangkan hembusan anginnya dari arah Timur hingga Selatan dengan kecepatan antara 07-20 knots. More...
Jatim Minta Kebutuhan Gas Dipenuhi
Media Indonesia
SURABAYA--MICOM: Gubernur Jawa Timur (Jatim) Soekarwo meminta pemerintah pusat menenuhi kebutuhan gas bagi kalangan industri di daerahnya. "Saya tidak setuju gas diekspor sebelum kebutuhan industri di Jatim terpenuhi," katanya dalam seminar Infrastruktur Jatim di Surabaya, Selasa (24/5). Selengkapnya...
Dua Bocah di Tuban Tewas, Petrochina Akui Lalai
Media Indonesia
TUBAN--MICOM: Join Operating Body Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB P-PEJ) mengaku bersalah atas kasus meninggalnya dua bocah kembar akibat terjerembab di galian pipa milik operator migas di Desa Rahayu, Kecamatan Soko, Kabupaten Tuban, Jawa Timur. Selengkapnya...
Sekitar 1.000 Kontainer Tertahan di JICT
JAKARTA, — Lebih dari 50 orang perwakilan perusahaan penyedia jasa kontainer (PPJK) berunjuk rasa menuntut agar Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) dapat segera mengeluarkan kontainer impor mereka untuk diperiksa oleh Bea dan Cukai, di depan kantor JICT Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, Selasa (24/5/2011). Selengkapnya...
LBH Akan Selidiki Penyitaan Kapal
PADANG, — Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Padang akan menyelidiki latar belakang penangkapan dan penyitaan kapal yang selama ini dilakukan oleh Ditpolair Polda Sumbar. Selengkapnya...
Warga Asing Incar Lahan di Bukit Batu
PALANGKARAYA, — Sejumlah warga Desa Sei Gohong, Tangkiling, dan Banturung di Kecamatan Bukit Batu, Palangkaraya, Kalimantan Tengah, mengungkapkan bahwa banyak warga negara asing (WNA) mengincar lahan di wilayah tersebut. Bahkan, mereka juga melirik lahan di permukiman transmigran Kilometer 38. Selengkapnya..
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